Beginners Tips

Getting started in cycling is not accessible, you are indeed a little lost, and you don’t know where to start, fortunately, this blog and this particular article aim to give beginners as many essential tips to get started in cycling quickly!

To make your life easier and save you time, I have collected on this page most of the essential tips to get you started:

In this guide, you will find a lot of tips that will allow you to build up a knowledge base and quickly become self-sufficient in your practice! If you follow his essential advice, no doubt, you will progress in no time! And believe me, there’s nothing more beautiful than feeling stronger and stronger on your bike!

  1. Step 1: Find a bike suitable for beginners:

Finding the right bike for your practice is essential: first, think about how you plan to use your bike and the budget you want to spend on buying this bike and equipment (not to be forgotten in the calculation!). Once this first thought is done:

  • Try to find a cycle store near you with a good reputation. To start, I advise you to buy your first bike from a bicycle dealer to benefit, most of the time, from the maintenance service of your bike.
  • You can also do some research before you decide, especially for the frame and components with a very Large Offer. turning will allow you to familiarize yourself with the different elements that make up a bike.
  • Don’t necessarily buy a high-end bike. Indeed, cycling, even if it is the best sport and leisure in the world, may not suit you. In that case, you’ll be glad you didn’t spend your savings on a bike.
  • However, what I can recommend is to save money to buy a carbon frame (carbon is a material that offers good reactivity while maintaining a minimum of comfort). These frames are more expensive than the aluminum frames that the velocity will be able to provide you with as a beginner but have a better perspective of evolution.
  • The advantage of buying your first bike from a bike dealer is that you can generally test different types of bikes and brands before you decide.

What Price? What do you expect?

From 500 to 800 euros: heavy aluminum frame, entry-level components, and base wheels. This is a good start, but in the long-term logic, as mentioned above, it is not the best solution.

  • Of 1000 to 1500 euros: carbon Frame, components, and wheels entry.
  • from 1500 to 3000 euros: carbon frame, intermediate quality wheel components
  1. Step 2: adjust your bike:

After choosing a suitable bike, the second crucial step is to improve my bike correctly. Most of the time, when you buy your bike from a bike dealer, he will offer to pay you. Seat height, stem length, and seat back are the main settings when purchasing a new bike. If the bike shop does not offer it, there are two options available to you: turn to a professional (relatively expensive) position adjuster or try to adjust your bike yourself with very little hardware. Position adjustment on the bike

  1. Step 3: Once on the bike:

Once you are on your bike, you will need energy inputs to allow you to “keep the distance” and not finish every motorcycle out on the kneecaps (when you don’t have enough energy to move forward to the point of having to put your foot on the ground, we say we’re infringing, that was the little vocabulary point). Energy bars and other gels contain a large number of carbohydrates and are easily digestible. As far as the drink is concerned, there are several solutions: water, syrup, energy drink, isotonic drink, or even drink based on electrolytes. When and what to eat?

Here are some tips:

  • If you roll for an hour and a half or less, water in your canisters and light refreshment in case of need will suffice. Below 1: 30 a.m., the corps will draw on its resources. To begin with, however, it is better to take enough to refuel even for an hour and a half and not hesitate to eat carbohydrates. Depending on your size, you will burn between 30 and 50 grams of carbs per hour, which means it is important to refuel regularly.
  • Try to drink all 5 to 10 min maximum. Hydration is the key that will allow you to sustain an endurance effort for a long time. According to numerous scientific studies carried out on athletes, 2% dehydration (which is very low) causes a performance loss of 20%! You now understand why it is essential to hydrate. You can install a timer on your bike counter or on your cell phone that will ring every 5 minutes to encourage drinking โ€” beginner weres cycling how to hydrate.
  • I also recommend that you add supplements to your water. Because of sweat, your body loses a significant number of minerals, which is essential to replace. Choose drinks preferably with electrolytes (contains mineral salts). I have a lot of trouble digesting isotonic beverages, so I turned to electrolyte pellets that are also very tasty!
  1. Step 4: Improve your physical condition

In cycling, legs and lung capacity are the two elements that will make you a good cyclist, here are some tips on training when you start:

  • Start easily
  • Driving several times, a week
  • Choose your route reasonably
  • Training also involves recovery
  • Create or join a band of friends
  • Form a group of beginners of the same level
  • Record your outputs
  1. Step 5: Maintain your bike

It is very important to maintain your bike to improve its life but also to make sure you don’t have big problems during an outing. Once some habits are taken, it is rather simple to maintain your bike. Here are some tips for beginners in mechanics:

  • Check your motorcycle before each trip: it’s your safety on your bike, an accident happened quickly. This pre-exit check includes the checking of tire pressure, the positioning, and operation of the brakes, the general appearance of the chain as well as quick fasteners (wheel locks). Beginner how to maintain your bike
  • Clean and lubricate the chain every 150 km: More often when the weather is terrible. This will improve the efficiency of your transmission.
  • Have your bike serviced at least once a year: even if you take great care of your bike, some parts are sensitive to wear. Your bike dealer is used to it and will have the eye to advise you on worn parts that could cause problems.
  • Gradually learn to repair your bike: some problems are easily solvable for those who have some knowledge of cycling mechanics. Changing an inner tube, adjusting your derails, changing your wheels, a cassette, a tray, your pedals, or even your brake pads must be actions in your register.